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by yo go re

So... this is the villain, right?

Using cosmic energy to control the minds of others, Druig is aloof and powerful but at times it's hard to determine whether he's friend or foe.

Druig is Ikaris' cousin, and often serves the role of villain in the Eternals stories. But while he does want personal power, he's not really evil, per se - like, he wants the same outcomes as most of the Eternals, he just has different means of achieving them. While Phastos the weaponsmith is a pacifist, Druig is at the opposite end of the spectrum, enjoying the heat of battle; that's usually why the other Eternals put up with him, because they need his power in a fight. He doesn't really line up with any real mythological figure, because he wasn't interested in helping assist the early human civilzations. But anyway, don't be surprised if he turns out to be this movie's Sinestro: a member of "Team Good Guys" who actively goes bad by the end, because he sees a path to his own glory.

Druig is being played in the movie by Barry Keoghan, and it's a damn good thing I looked that up, because right until typing that sentence, I would have bet all the money in the world that he was Ezra Miller. You know, Flash from Justice League. Barry Keoghan looks like Ezra Miller the way Jai Courtney looks like Sam Worthington.

Druig first appeared in Eternals #11, where he was working undercover as a high-ranking member of the KGB. While the other Eternals in his Russian cell were working to discourage the use of nuclear weapons, Druig just liked shaping plots and training assassins.

His traditional costume colors have been red and black, something the movie honors - he doesn't even get the silver accents all the other figures have had. His costume is basically a floor-length gown, with all the same sort of thin lines the others have had, making it look more like armor than cloth. He has fists or relaxed hands, but because he looks about 9 years old, he doesn't have the goatee the character usually had in the comics.

Gilgamesh's head is included as Druig's part of this series' Build-A-Figure.

In a line of kind of boring figures, Druig is the kind-of-boringest. The dress means you can't do anything with his legs, the villain colors mean he doesn't stand out, and he doesn't have any fun accessories. Good thing he's got a BAF head.

-- 11/01/21

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