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Marvel Legends
by yo go re

Why does a cat guy look so much like the Gorton's Fisherman?

A legacy in Weapon X! Regenerative powers! Ferocious strength! The Wolverine has met his match!

Does anybody else hate it when they call Wolverine "The Wolverine"? It's almost as bad as "The Batman," but at least that one plays into Bruce's whole "urban legend" thing (just like The Jersey Devil, The Mothman, or The Loch Ness Monster - but not Bigfoot, oddly enough); Wolverine doesn't have the same excuse, so every time somebody insists on adding "the" in front of "Wolverine," it just sounds stupid. Not that any of this has anything to do with Sabretooth; he just unlucky enough to have the text on the back of his card bring it up. Besides, if we were being fair, this would probably have to be "The Sabretooth," and no one thinks that sounds right.

Victor Creed is built on the Hyperion body, because he's so big and muscular. He does have different shins, though, because he's not the type to wear pirate boots (they were also used on the Amazing Spider-Man 2 Comic Series Toxin, but this figure came out way before that one), and different hands, because he needed to be baring his claws, not making fists.

The costume he's wearing is not his most famous: it was only used for a single six-issue storyarc, then was immediately reverted to the Jim Lee version (though to be fair, that was in a Jeph Loeb story, so literally everything was wrong with it - he got Cloak and Dagger's powers backwards, for instance). The chest is his traditional brown, but the legs are yellow rather than orange. There are tiger stripes on his biceps, the tops of his shoulders, and his toes. His fingers are exposed, for better clawing. In the comics, the line between brown and yellow at the waist was straight across; this toy is based on Adam Kubert's original designs though, so it's more complex than that.

Another difference between Kubert's design and the comics? The head. In the final art, his headdress pushed his hair back like a headband, so it kind of looked like he had a mane; in Kubert's design, the hair was floppier (and this toy duplicates it exactly). He also has a full beard rather than sideburns and a bare chin - that's not really accurate to anything.

Despite being some kind of cat-man, Sabretooth isn't the lithe, sinewy, acrobatic type - he's more of a big, plodding chunk of meat, but this body doesn't skimp on the articulation. He has swivel/hinge rocker ankles, swivel boots, double-hinged knees, swivel thighs, balljointed hips, swivel waist, hinged torso, swivel/hinge wrists, double-hinged elbows, swivel biceps, swivel/hinge shoulders, hinged neck and a balljointed head. He's not the most highly articulated Sabretooth ever, but it's sufficient.

As a part of the Wolverine-themed series of Marvel Legends, Sabretooth comes with a part of the series' Build-A-Figure, Puck. Since he's the largest figure in the lineup, he's got the smallest piece: the head. It's so small that Creed can grip it in one hand like a softball - and he has enough articulation that you can make him pose like a pitcher about to hurl the head toward home plate.

This is a nice enough action figure, but it's hampered by the fact that no one recognizes this look for him. The main reason to get it is to complete Puck, but at least you're not getting saddled with something lame when you do.

-- 05/12/14

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