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Marvel Legends
by yo go re

When the line-up for Marvel Legends 4 was announced, a lot of folks were glad to hear we'd be getting our first female ML figure - the ninja assassin Elektra.

Elektra Assassin. Lover. Enigma. Driven by tragedy and honed by training, the femme fatale known as Elektra kills for hire, loves for thrills...and leaves destruction in her wake! Although she possess no superhuman abilities, Elektra is a consummate practitioner of the martial arts. She is a mistress of the skills of the ancient ninja of Japan, and an Olympic-level athlete and gymnast. Elektra wields a pair of three-pronged daggers, or sai. Also, she is proficient in the use of various martial-arts weaponry.

I haven't always been a big Daredevil fan, but the character grew on me after several great stories. Early this year, Daredevil finally got his own major motion picture, and he brought Elektra with him. The movie was great, but we sadly only got one figure from it: the ML 3 chase DD. Much as I would have loved to get a Jennifer Garner in her leather togs, it was not to be. Ah well. At least we're getting the classic Elektra, finally done well.

Turban Cowgirl Elektra's had a few figures before, but they've always been repaints of earlier offerings. The closest to the spirit of the character was a repainted Psylocke, but even that wasn't overly impressive. Diamond Comics released an Elektra early in their line of Marvel Select figures but she, like the rest of the Select line, was almost entirely immobile.

Actually, between Elektra and the Punisher, ToyBiz is being pretty brave with this line: both characters are still readily available through Diamond Select Toys, but aimed at a different audience. Some companies would be happy with one version of a character, but ToyBiz is making something for everybody.

Elektra, joining Jean Grey as one of the only characters who used their real name as their "professional" name, stands 6 1/2" tall. As befitting a highly trained ninja, she is articulated at the ankles, boots, knees, thighs, hips, waist, torso, neck, head, shoulders, biceps, elbows, forearms, wrists and hands. Since she spends most of her time almost naked, Elektra is never going to be a favorite of the "hidden articulation" crowd.

All of Elektra's costume details are painted elements, which means that this will probably be serving as the Legends' generic "female" body in the same way Black Spider-Man did for the "male." That's just fine with me, since it means more toys, cheaper, but some folks are going to be upset.

Steve Kiwis did a great job sculpting this figure for ToyBiz. She looks precisely like her comicbook counterpart, and rivals even MAC for sheer sexiness. There were a lot of complaints from the fanboys about the Elektra movie costume, but this figure clearly demonstrates why a red thong would not have been conducive to the film's PG13 rating. She's got the big doe eyes Frank Miller always gave her in the comics, and a slight smile on her lips.

killer backpack Elektra comes with her trademark sais, as well as two kitanas and a GIJoe-style scabbard/sheathe thing that will hold them all. The scabbard plugs into the gable on Elektra's base if you don't want it hanging off her rear. As one would expect from accessories of this size, they have a tendency to bend, so be sure to take a look before you buy.

DD and Elektra had as complicated a relationship as anyone with her name is entitled to, and now you can finally bring these two together on your toy shelf.


Like all the Marvel Legends figures, Elektra comes with a detailed base. Hers is a oriental-styled window and section of roof. The detailing is decent, but not as stunningly intricate as some others. This is definitely one that will look better mounted on a wall than it will lying flat. I bet she'll look good on one of Art Asylum's detailed Crouching Tiger bases, though.

Frank Miller is the man who created Elektra, so it's fitting that one of his comics is reprinted here. Daredevil #176 is a prime example of the way Miller brought noir sensibilities to DD's world, with Elektra stalking the Man Without Fear while being hunted herself. It's a fine mix of humor, violence and suspense that does a good job introducing Elektra to new fans.

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